With Office 365 your purchase is also good on non-Mac PCs and other devices, and Short-term, Office 365 is less expensive. Office 365 requires regular connection to the Internet. The Office 2019 package should include any bug fixes and security fixes for a while. I think it is 2025 but I am not sure. 适用于 Windows、Linux 和 Mac 中 Visual Studio Team Services 的开放源代码命令行接口。 直接通过命令提示符或脚本管理拉取请求、内部版本、工作项等。 有关详细信息,请参阅文档。 有关手动下载和安装步骤,请查看以下链接:Windows、Linux、Mac。. This article covers frequently asked questions about the availability of Office from the Mac App Store, and the differences between downloading Office apps directly from Microsoft. Starting in January 2019, the following Office applications are available for download from the Mac App Store: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote., and OneDrive. Jan 31, 2018 The Windows version of Microsoft Office has always been the gold standard for office suites, as far as features are concerned. Office exists on other platforms too, like the Mac—but those versions are missing some products and features. 2018-5-31 Microsoft's Office Suite, which includes apps like Word and Excel, are still best used on a Windows PC instead of a Mac. The Windows version comes with more features.
Microsoft Office for Mac is great for home, students or businesses.
It’s a one-time purchase, so you don’t have to worry about making any ongoing payments.
The only downside to that is you’d have to buy new versions at full price. As opposed to a cloud-based MS office, you’d get access to all the latest renditions. Good thing updates are only released every few years.
So you might be wondering what the difference between Office 2019 for students and for business is, and which one works best for you.
Keep reading to find out!
Similarities between Office 2019 for students and business
Both comes with MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote.
Although all these applications have advanced pencil case and ribbon customizations feature, most of the improvements are in most popular program: Word.
For Excel, there are new techniques of data analysis, as well as functions and charts that include TEXTJOIN, CONCAT, SWITCH, and IFS.
For PowerPoint, there’s the new Morph Transitions, 4k video export, and in-click sequence to play with.
A new focused inbox for Outlook to increase users’ productivity includes a send later option.
These upgrades give you control over a pixel-perfect layout, advanced tools to help you make sense of data and ability to share documents with your team.
One-Time Purchase
One single payment and it’s yours for life!
That’s per device of course. Unlike the cloud-based Office 365, where you can install on all your devices, you can’t share Office for Mac 2019. You can only install it on a single machine.
Install it on your phone!
The mobile app is free of charge to download from the Play Store. You can edit your documents on-the-go. Note that your mobile screen size should be 10.1 inches or under.
Security Features
Both have the essential security measures in place, but new security releases won’t automatically update for you. If you want new enhancements, you’d have to purchase a new office for Mac.
Technical Support Services
The only technical support you get is during installation. Afterwards, in case of failure, you’d have to purchase another version or figure it out on your own.
Online Storage
Unfortunately, no extra online storage space.
Internet Access
You’d need internet access to receive the activation codes and download links. After you’re set up, you would be able to work on your documents without going online.
What the System needs
Before you can purchase Office 2019 for Mac, make sure that you have one of these systems, so you can actually use it!
- MacOS
- MacOS High Sierra
- Windows 10
- Windows server 2019
Make sure the product has the Apple brand on them. If it doesn’t, then you won’t have Apple’s Limited Warranty.
Included in Windows 10 PCs, so upgrade your windows if you haven’t already! The more apps your Office account has, the more it can help you deliver quality work.
Both are compatible with Windows 10 and Mac Os 10.12 and up, making Office 2019 more versatile.
The License Type
It can be either open or standard. For both the student and business office versions, opt for the standard license.
Both do not come with Microsoft Access application. So if you use that program often, it’s best to look at other packages or buy it separately.
Differences between the student and business Microsoft Office for Mac
Honestly, there aren’t too many.
Purpose of the License
We said before that both versions would get a standard license, but the student version would be for personal uses, while the business version is for commercial use.
Microsoft For Mac
The student version doesn’t have Outlook, but the business version does.
The Cost
The business version is more expensive because of the extra features and services. It retails at around $195 while the student version costs approximately $120.
Final Verdict
Mac Vs Microsoft Office 2016
Both bundles are among the best versions you can get for your Mac device.
They‘re less expensive compared to other office 2019 versions, like the Standard, Professional and Professional Plus. The fact that you make a single payment makes it more favorable than Office 365.
Office 365 is less expensive at the time of purchase, but as a result of the monthly or annual payments, it ends up being more expensive.
Whichever one you choose, make sure that you have all the system requirements before you download the software. It’s the only way to make sure you can use it.
Why Consider SoftwareKeep as the best seller of the two software
Among the best sellers of Microsoft software, SoftwareKeep is your go-to online dealers.
Besides helping you decide which product is best for you, they also offer the following:
Legitimate Products
You can count on them for legitimate products, because they only carry high-quality, genuine Microsoft software.
Easy to install
They’re process is pretty simple. After you pay for your purchase, you’ll receive an activation key and link to download your software. Just follow the instructions.
Great Deals
SoftwareKeep guarantees the best deals online, as they regularly check competitors’ prices. They have promotions on certain products and even give you a welcome voucher when you sign up for their newsletter.
24/7-hour Support
Microsoft Office Vs Mac Office
You’ll have access to around-the-clock technical support team, so you can get help any time and anywhere.
In the market for the latest Microsoft programs? Check out SoftwareKeep today!
-->Visual Studio for Mac 提供用于开发 .NET Core 应用程序的功能全面的集成开发环境 (IDE)。Visual Studio for Mac provides a full-featured Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for developing .NET Core applications.本文将指导你使用 Visual Studio for Mac 和 .NET Core 来构建简单的控制台应用程序。This article walks you through building a simple console application using Visual Studio for Mac and .NET Core.
你的反馈非常有价值。Your feedback is highly valued.有两种方法可以向开发团队提供有关 Visual Studio for Mac 的反馈:There are two ways you can provide feedback to the development team on Visual Studio for Mac:
- 在 Visual Studio for Mac 中,从菜单中选择“帮助” > “报告问题” ,或从欢迎屏幕中选择“报告问题” ,将打开一个窗口,以供填写 bug 报告。In Visual Studio for Mac, select Help > Report a Problem from the menu or Report a Problem from the Welcome screen, which will open a window for filing a bug report.可在开发人员社区门户中跟踪自己的反馈。You can track your feedback in the Developer Community portal.
- 若要提出建议,从菜单中选择“帮助” > “提供建议” ,或从欢迎屏幕中选择“提供建议” ,转到 Visual Studio for Mac 开发人员社区网页。To make a suggestion, select Help > Provide a Suggestion from the menu or Provide a Suggestion from the Welcome screen, which will take you to the Visual Studio for Mac Developer Community webpage.
请参阅 .NET Core 依赖项和要求一文。See the .NET Core dependencies and requirements article.
请查看 .NET Core 支持一文,确保使用的是受支持的 .NET Core 版本。Check the .NET Core Support article to ensure you're using a supported version of .NET Core.
入门Get started
如果已安装先决条件和 Visual Studio for Mac,请跳过此部分,并继续创建项目。If you've already installed the prerequisites and Visual Studio for Mac, skip this section and proceed to Creating a project.请按照以下步骤安装先决条件和 Visual Studio for Mac:Follow these steps to install the prerequisites and Visual Studio for Mac:
下载 Visual Studio for Mac 安装程序。Download the Visual Studio for Mac installer.运行安装程序。Run the installer.阅读并同意许可协议。Read and accept the license agreement.在安装过程中,选择用于安装 .NET Core 的选项。During the install, select the option to install .NET Core.你有机会安装 Xamarin,这是一项跨平台移动应用开发技术。You're provided the opportunity to install Xamarin, a cross-platform mobile app development technology.安装 Xamarin 及其相关组件对于 .NET Core 开发而言是可选项。Installing Xamarin and its related components is optional for .NET Core development.有关 Visual Studio for Mac 安装过程的分步介绍,请参阅 Visual Studio for Mac 文档。For a walk-through of the Visual Studio for Mac install process, see Visual Studio for Mac documentation.安装完成后,启动 Visual Studio for Mac IDE。When the install is complete, start the Visual Studio for Mac IDE.
创建项目Creating a project
在“开始”窗口上,选择“新建” 。Select New on the start window.
在“新建项目” 对话框中,选择“.NET Core” 节点下的“应用” 。In the New Project dialog, select App under the .NET Core node.单击“下一步” ,然后选择“控制台应用程序” 模板。Select the Console Application template followed by Next.
如果安装了多个版本的 .NET Core,请选择项目的目标框架。If you have more than one version of .NET Core installed, select the target framework for your project.
为“项目名称” 键入“HelloWorld”。Type 'HelloWorld' for the Project Name.选择“创建” 。Select Create.
等待还原项目的依赖项。Wait while the project's dependencies are restored.该项目包含一个 C# 文件 Program.cs,其中包含具有
类。The project has a single C# file, Program.cs, containing aProgram
class with aMain
语句将“Hello World!”TheConsole.WriteLine
statement will output 'Hello World!'输出至控制台。to the console when the app is run.
运行此应用程序Run the application
使用 ⌘ ↵(command + enter 键)在调试模式下运行应用,或者使用 ⌥ ⌘ ↵(option + command + enter 键)在发布模式下运行应用。Run the app in Debug mode using ⌘ ↵ (command + enter) or in Release mode using ⌥ ⌘ ↵ (option + command + enter).
下一步Next step
使用 Visual Studio for Mac 在 macOS 上构建完整的 .NET Core 解决方案主题为你演示如何构建包含可重用的库和单元测试的完整的 .NET Core 解决方案。The Building a complete .NET Core solution on macOS using Visual Studio for Mac topic shows you how to build a complete .NET Core solution that includes a reusable library and unit testing.